Catching Up...

Sorry I've been so quiet, its been crazy around here.
To catch up, I've been...

...watching this bean grow

took all the kids to the zoo a couple weeks back, they loved it.

if only they made these jumpers in adult sizes...

popsicles on the new porch, saturday morning.

ipad at dinner

subliminal messaging

she was mad i wouldn't "swim" in her pool


she wants to take pictures all the time.

family ♥

...loving on this man

we're getting some time to ourselves these days and its really nice.

Moving in to the New House!!!

white picket fence and everything!

Percy cat was lost AND found during the move. He's enjoying the new place.

...spending lots of weekends at the lake

becoming grillmasters & such.

bros on a boat.


making new friends...

drinking lots of coffee...

sitting at a desk...

wearing fancy clothes...

going places...


July 20, 2010 at 11:48 AM Melissa said...

Your new place looks awesome! See you Thursday!