Its been quite a while since I've posted, which is unusual I know...
I've been thinking about some very important things, thoughts that I'm sure just about all of us face at some point... about how much information I should be sharing about myself, my family, the things that are important to me, online. My blog is a public forum, and I don't want to censor any part of my life, but there are some things I don't really want the world to know about, and walking that fine line is something I haven't completely figured out just yet.
That's why I decided not to post for a while. You see, the past month has been one that I'm not proud of... Husband-pants and I have had a really rough go of things here lately, and its been bad news bears. Now I of course know that every marriage has its ups and downs, but we had a big down. A monumental fall, if you will, and its taken a little while to recover. The good news of all of this is that we have, in fact, decided to recover. We're taking some small steps in the right direction, and that's that.
Marriage just isn't what it used to be, we joke, but really, we haven't got the foggiest of what marriage is, or was. We both grew up in single-parent households, raised by very head strong mothers and no constant father figure. We never saw healthy interactions between a husband and wife with the exception of our grandparents and great-grandparents, who were (are) married for an exceptionally long time and have very healthy relationships. We've been striving for that, but we've gotten a little lost along the way. Its easy to do when you haven't got much to go off of...
Its amazing to me how easy it seems to just throw in the towel, how quick we are to assume that problems are just too big to fix. Marriage is hard, but its worth it. Things are definitely looking up right now, and we're both working on keeping it that way.
I promise not to be such a stranger from now on.
we are using this book in our sunday school class and even though Amanda and I have only been married a year it is still helpful.
Miss you!
Good to see you post something... marriage is definitely a roller coaster and adding a child to the equation adds to the "ups and downs"... not that kids aren't wonderful... they just seem to make it different and sometimes that's not easy.
I am glad yall are doing better... good luck!... I hope to see you are Marti Pearl soon!
You already know I send the big hugs and am so glad to heaqr about the upswing :-D
Did you do that drawing, because it is PRECIOUS.
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