Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we're BFF, but I live in the same area as the Duggar family. I pass by their house weekly and see their numerous children playing in the yard, we run into them around town from time to time, and before all of the Discovery channel specials, the talk shows, they were just local people that got a lot of attention... and rightfully so, they have a ridiculous amount of children!
I remember seeing them out as a family for the first time when I was in high school. I was immediately put off. I was, at that young age, so certain I wouldn't EVER have children... good lord- they're messy and demanding, and they sure do take a lot of work... not for me. The thought of having tons of children seemed crazy. Plum nuts. So for a lot of years I thought of the Duggars as crazy people. Not just slightly insane, but totally and completely off of their rockers. Really, I still think they're nuts, but not for the same reason.
I think anyone with kids, or a kid, or hell, some of you with very demanding dogs, will agree that when you give so much of yourself to one person that you're bound to go a little nuts... I know I have. I've spent the last 14 months trying to figure out where most of my sanity went, and you know, I still don't think I have a full grasp on it yet, but I'm sorting it out. I think that after 17 kids, there's bound to be part of your brain that has just totally shortened out... the part linked to reproduction, perhaps? I mean, not that I'm saying they're nuts for continuing to have kids, but maybe she's crazy in the sense that this woman, after birthing 17 children, after caring for them all day, still wants to have sex with her husband!? She's got. to be. insane... either that or her sex drive is something for the record books. Either way, I don't think its a bad thing.
Again, I'm not knocking the Duggars, I don't want anyone to think I am... I think in some way they've got to know they're a little crazy. There have got to be days where they have that fleeting thought of "why did we ever think this was a good idea?" while in their minds they're sipping something with an umbrella on a nice little beach instead of folding 2 metric tons of laundry and homeschooling a gaggle of little ones... you can't tell me there aren't! I get it that they're so thankful for their children, and I totally understand, I'm just as thankful for Bean-girl, but there are times when I want to run. completely. away. You've got to know that Michelle Duggar feels that inside sometimes, and I sincerely hope she's able to... you know?
So this morning when I found out she announced that yes, Duggar baby #18 is on the way! I decided to tell you guys the truth about the Duggar family from someone who has really seen them... not just Discovery channel seen them, like grocery store seen them. I want everyone to know that I think these people are nuts, but they're happy nuts! They're good people. They really are... they're raising their kids in a way that makes them happy, and their kids seem happy enough with it too... plus, they're getting a little taste of stardom, which is cool for them I'm sure. Again, I know I keep going back to this, but she's still jumping on Jimbo- and pretty frequently, I'd assume!
I've been married long enough to know that sex isn't what it used to be... I mean, quality has improved in a big way throughout these years, but quantity... eh. I just get wrapped into so many things that the last thing on my mind as I climb in to bed at night is getting frisky. Maybe that's wrong, I don't know, but I just don't go as wild for it as I used to! There's something about having a 20lb toddler on your hip all day that makes sex feel miles and miles away. Multiply that by 16, and make them old enough to have actual issues past "I pooped myself" and good lord... I just don't know how she does it! I admire Michelle Duggar for still getting in the mood! I really do.
I know it'd probably get more attention if I was like "OMG the Duggars are AWFUL they're scarring their kids for life!" but really, I can't say it... She really looks happy. She's not parading around for the cameras putting on some front... she really looks that happy all the time. Truly, I think she is happy, and that's awesome. I can't knock a woman for being excited about being a mom. I honestly believe that if you're crazy in a way that makes you super happy, a great mom, and you're still getting laid, then dude, keep that crazy flowing!

I will say though, Michelle... you and I need to be making a hair appointment. Seriously, I promise I'll make sure they don't do anything crazy to you, and I'll be great moral support... hey, I'll even watch a kid or 12 for you, but let's bring you up to speed. 1987 was great, really, but let it go. Ol Jimbo might even really like the change of pace... and it'd be a nice pregnant pick-me-up... a new look would do you some good! Plus, you can get a cute little cut and donate all of that hair to Locks of Love! Seriously, girl- call me.
I have four kids and that was waaaay plenty! I can't imagine having, oh, 14 more....yikes! I guess if they're happy, that's all that matters. And yes, mama needs a new hairstyle - 1987 has long since passed...haha.
I don't know if you've seen this, but if not....
People bash Michelle Duggar, more often than not, because she's a religious woman, and I think that's shit.
I'm really really sick to death of hearing people bash them because, you know what? I think what you think.....I've never actually met them but they seem happy. It's not my place to judge something I have zero knowledge of. I hear moms talk about how hard it is with their one, and how Michelle Duggar cannot possible love all hers and it makes me wonder, as a soon-to-be mom of three what the fuck they are implying about me? Where, exactly, does the limit line lie?
And jeezuz peezus there are better things we can be doing with our time and lives than yet again perpetuating sexism and bashing other women for their choices. Gah.
But, the hair and denim dresses have to go.
Great to hear the inside story-- your post was cited in this article:
Duggar Family announces 18th Baby
What makes me totally mad is their anti-gay mentality, obvious disregard for the environment (water usage, food, heating and cooling bills), lopsided teaching or maybe brainwashing to their kids, over consumption of resources, lack of individualized attention, and flaunting their way of life in everyone's face - oh, but in a nice way. She could be the best mom in the world, but I sincerely doubt it. Perhaps one of her kids has autism, dyslexia, bipolar disorder or ??? - does that even get diagnosed or attended to? I noticed on the Today show that one of the kids had a pretty bad cough. If my kid was hacking away like that - I sure wouldn't be sitting around talking to Meridith Viera, holding yet another (newest) born kid and sheepishly telling my monster family that I'm about to contribute to overpopulation again. And Michelle is a religious woman? For all we know she had created her own god in her inclusive mind: herself. Or maybe her male counterpart has convinced her that his seed is holy and he will reign as God in the next lifetime. All in all this Duggar scenario is self righteous, self absorbed, ignorant and just plain sickening.
I want to know how her body can tolerate all those pregnancies. It's a human body, not a clown car! That cannot be healthy!
I agree with Kathryn--What bugs me personally is that I think most of the world's problems are directly linked to human overpopulation, and it's irresponsible to keep making people under the circumstances.
If I knew the Duggars at all, I could give my opinion on whether they are religious nuts, unfair to their children, sexist, or whatever.
But I don't know them. I mostly have a "live and let live" philosophy, and--well, it seems they're happy and the kids are okay. Time will tell.
I also get the creeps when I read their blog and all their religious talk; they come across as very self-righteous. But you know, there's a new documentary, "Surfwise," about a large homeschooled family brought up on the gospel of surfing, and in listening to an interview with a family member recently, I also found the parents (esp. the father) self-righteous and authoritarian in their ways.
I come from a long line of Mormons, and although I love my relatives, their pride in producing large families disturbs me. I think some people believe that by reproducing themselves on such a grand scale, they are likely to influence the world more in their own beliefs. ("I'm a devout Christian, let's have 18 kids and they will all be devout Christians and do exactly what I would do.") Of course it doesn't always work that way, and people with lots of kids are in for some surprises.
But it still disturbs me that they are having so many babies on our fragile and overtaxed planet.
Human nature is a weird thing.
Okay - totally didn't realize they are anti-gay supporters. That automatically makes me change my mind about them. Deal breaker for me.
Am I a cynic, or am I someone who has lived in a relatively large family. I don't know, but I feel the happy you see may not be so sincere behind closed doors. Will I be knocked for saying this? You bet, but I feel deeply that there are problems. Statistically speaking, its likely. As the oldest of four who was given far too many motherly duties, I can only imagine what it is like for the older girls of the home. We'll see how they all turn out, I guess. It's too late to not have so many children. But when you have more kids than daylight hours, there's going to be parental neglect.
PS: regarding their anti-gay stance: ALSO statistically speaking, at least one of those children will be homosexual. They will either be open about it and shunned into the real world where they will undoubtedly go nuts because they are "going to hell" anyway; or they'll never tell a soul, go through years of mental anguish, and then kill themselves. If that little duggar is reading this right now: Dont kill yourself honey. Its OK!
I ran into the Duggers at The Business of Being Born event back in January and she looked like she had a new do...here is a photo of myself, my baby and Mr And Mrs Dugger and baby Jennifer.
Hey there! Read this and thought of you. Check it out!
This is a really interesting post. Whether you love them or hate them, the Duggars are - for better or worse - targets of ridicule. But the point of it for me is that when you feel connected in some way to these public figures you tend to want to defend them. And that's a good thing. And I've heard the hair is a religious thing - something about washing men's feet...
My Gran had 12 children and that was way-back-when and the doctor told her that having that many children caused her to have an enlarged heart. I don't care what you feel your 'calling' is or that you feel you need to pay your debt to a higher power because of a miscarriage, this cannot be good for any woman. Something else that bothers me is the home schooling. Why do people who appear to be ultra religious seem to think the public school system is not good enough for their children or is it that they feel it might corrupt. I've had occasion to meet several young people who were home schooled and most all have led me to believe they were virutally held prisoner by their parents religious beliefs. And, before I step down from my soapbox I just wonder.. if these people were not into high paying jobs where money is no object would they be having so many children.... I doubt it!
Thanks for telling it like you see it! I'm not surprised at your perception of them. Nor at the negative comments they always receive. This world is twisted. BTW, you know the common denominator in those choosing to live the "gay" lifestyle: An absent or neglectful father, physically or emotionally. The Duggar kids don't have much chance of being "gay."
Alice, it's biological. If you chose to disbelieve that and live a life of bigoted ignorance, I could care less. All of my (many) gay friends grew up in typical, nuclear families. Figure that out using your common denominator. With 18 children, how can you say Jim Bob is emotionally and physically involved with all these children? RIDICULOUS.
I just watched their new series premiere on The Learning Channel, and I have to say they all still look extremely happy. I, like many find their family facinating because it is so different from the average family in the U.S.
Their anti-gay stance while unfortunate is to be expected given their conservative christian beliefs, and they do have the right to their own opinion. The fact that their is a statistical probability that one of their children could be gay is unfortunate, given their views on homosexuality. I sincerely hope that if this ever becomes the case that they are at least somewhat accepting of that individual.
The courtship thing has its pros and cons. I think that considering their views about sexual contact this is a safe way to look for your life partner, but I'd hope that this doesn't exclude love. From looking at the pictures of their oldest son and his new wife on their website I'd say that they do seem to be in love, and I hope they have a long wonderful life together. The downside of courtship in this manner is that their may be parents and families putting too much pressure on these young people to find their spouse, and I would be worried that they are choosing a spouse based on this influence and not their true feelings. (Also, I have nothing against waiting until marriage to have sex, but the no kissing thing is a little extreme. And I'd hope that they have proper sex education before marriage, so they at least know what to expect.)
Lastly, considering all the chemical changes that happen with pregnancy, and especially after, that the tendency is for some women to have Post-pardum depression. What if Michelle Duggar, has an opposite reaction taking place something akin to post-pardum mania. Okay so I'm kind of joking about that, but seriously I wonder how wrecked her body is going to be when she finally stops. I digress.
They need to be removed from national tv. They are teaching the younger generation of this country a horrible message.I am a christian and grew up in a large family. They are not the parents. If you watch the show the children are homemakers and babysitters. I am angry that these telivision shows are making them out to be HEROS!!!!!I am quite sure if they were removed from the spotlight and didn't have the money they get from the shows and the public and honestly had to earn the money for this amount of children...there would be no more additions. My personal opion is they are having a child once a year to stay on TV and to keeps peoples interest.
Sassy is an anti-anti-gay supporter? That was a deal breaker for me in being a fan of hers. Then again maybe it shouldn't be... I might get judged for being an anti-anti-anti-gay supporter and we certainly wouldn't want me to have the right to my own opinion if it doesn't go along with everyone else's. After all, this is America where majority rules.
I am the youngest of nine and not a one of us is gay. We live very happy lives. Each of us have 3 or more children and I am christian and anti gay. I say kudos to Michelle and Jim Bob. If I could have more I would. My hair is down to my rear and all I wear is denim skirts or skirts in general. They have to be below my knees. Now I don't force religion on my children. My daughter wears jeans. I figure she will form her on opions in her on time. Now over population, my mother has 27 Grandchildren and counting. We consider it a blessing not a curse.
Wow... so much hatred for people and their way of life. It's a free country and if they wish to live a certain way and to raise their children in that manner -- it's their right. Why do so many people nowadays feel they need to tell others how to live. Mind your own business!
Sturmkatze - To be fair: if one puts themselves on television for public viewing, then one opens themselves up for criticism.
If they had minded THEIR own business, most of us would never have heard of them!
I have 4 kids, all grown, but I KNOW none of them received the kind of attention they should have received. I did the best I could but there is only so much of one human being to go around. There is NO way those kids can possibly get the kind of attention a child needs and deserves. They may be adequately fed, clothed and sheltered, but you can be sure they are severely neglected in the attention department--and this goes to education, too. I doubt any of those kids are being educated beyond being literate. If they were well-educated,they'd know how irresponsible it is for one couple to bring 18 children into this fragile world--and I doubt they know this. The eldest is 20 and is married already. I doubt he ever had or will ever have any post- secondary education. He'll be lucky to be able to support one child.
Just because they are on TV doesn't mean that they are shoving their life style down anyone's throat. Obviously if you had watched the show you would see that they have a niece who does not proscribe to their same conservative beliefs, but is loved and included in the family anyway. Also, you would see that they don't suck up resource like a black hole, but are frugal and aware of their uses of resources buying clothes second hand and make their own soap. Why become so personal in your attacks on such a loving family. It works for them and that is all they are trying to show. I am a mother of twins and YES there are days when I feel streched to the limit but most days having two is no more work to me than having one (perhaps because as these are my only children I never had just one)...however everyone is different. There are some people who would be hard pressed to handle one child and then there are people who like Michelle can obviously handle more. Try and not take their life style choices personally and I am sure that they will do the same for you!
This isn't aimed directly at the blogger but more so the people that have commented...
WOW... I can't believe some of the comments here. Im a dude so I guess that I'll get slammed but man you ladies sound bitter! Overpopulation? You guys are nuts! The USA is so far away from being overpopulated its silly, seriously I know greenies use that logic to control most people's lives but luckily not all of us believe that way. The Duggars seem like good people and they had there house paid for before it was ever built, they believe in living within there means. Now if some of you bitter ladies are jealous of that, well just say so jeeez. So your married to man that barely wants to touch you and you have a whopping 1 whole child which you pray to Allah that one day you can get a nanny to take care of them. For what? So you can get a job making less then men who do the exact same job so you can have something to talk about over dinner with your husband who still doesn't find anything you say interesting? LOL I think the jealous ones need to look in the mirror and see the person who is staring back at them. A jealous, hating, whining, non-sexy woman.
As for their views... they are God fearing folks that view sin as sin. One sin isn't greater than another... it's all sin. If you don't like hearing about turn the channel!
Let the hate and jealously go ladies and greenies nice try chalking up your hate for the Duggars as environmental concern, that's laughable. Drink another double chi latte low fat,nonfoam and keep talking smack about large families! hahahaha
We all should just be glad we aren’t mama and daddy Duggar. I agree with many of the comments about the children are the parents instead of the actual parents. I do worry that the youngest children aren’t getting the nurturing they need from their parents. I just don’t see how it would be possible
I do see how they stick to their guns about living in this world but not of this world. I think it is admirable that they go against the “grain of today”.
I really think us “normal” folks have it all wrong. Morality has taken a back seat in our culture. When you look at how they are being raised and how our grand (great) parents lived, there isn’t much difference. My grandfather never had an alone date with my grandmother until they married. They were married for more than 60 years-when my grandfather died.
I don’t think I could live like they do but I am not going to throw stones at them for being committed to living the way that they feel is right for them.
I do think that their children (well the boys) are quite immature but then again maybe our children become too worldly wise too quick.
I like the show…but dang 18 is enough already!!
wow ! I'ts unbelievable how much emotion is evoked by a loving couple that have decided to have a large family and raise them with love and kindness. They are respectful and committed to bringing children into this world that love the Lord. Isn't that what this country is all about? Religious freedom. Democracy. Why does that scare so many of you? Are you jealous of the love and respect the Duggar's have for each other or their commitment to raise their children with strong values? I, for one, applaud them for their strong marriage and inner strength to follow through on their commitment to each other and their kids. I'd love to be one of those 18 or either of those parents.
I wish them the best of luck, but they won't need my wishes or luck, they have plugged into the power source.
The Duggars justify their prodigious reproduction by falling back on the old adage that "kids are a gift from God". Well so is rain, but when it starts to flood I put my rubbers on.
Ditto, Mr. Olsen.
Most countries are in population decline- Russia and Japan are among those nations offering incentives for parents to have more kids.
Whites in the USA reproduce below replacement rate as "onlies" and "childfree" couples are on the rise; there's certainly room for the Duggars and all the other "Quiverfull" parents to have as many kids as God gives them without budging the birth rates for the US, nor adding burdens to an ever lightening population load.
I've been a substitute teacher and if I am ever blessed enough to have a kid there is no way I would throw them to the wolves in public school. It IS a mess! We spend more and more per student every year, but kids are coming out dumber and dumber all the time. Add the violence, peer pressure, wasted time spent dealing with behavior problems, etc. public school is a failure. If she can handle teaching them all, more power to her!
As for how the body takes the strain of having kids, we are still built like the generations before us who had no birth control and the human race survived. Of coure, you had more women like my great grandmother who had 20+ pregnancies and only 6 kids made it to adulthood. She herself made it into her 80's just fine.
If you hate the Duggars, you really ought to re-examine you movtives, assumptions and what you think is worthwhile in this world and then honstly evaluate how little this is about right and wrong but your unwillingness to tolerate someone who is different.
I do not envy the Duggars. I come from a family of 4 and I remember feeling alone and like no one paid any attention to me, especially when my youngest siblings were little. I will not be having a large family myself - I want to get to know my kids well.
Also, the Earth is already on the verge of overpopulation and people - especially those in the West - consume resources like crazy, leaving a trail of pollution and destruction of the natural environment in our wake. I believe God wants us to try to look after the planet that he has trusted us with. I'm not saying you can't look after the planet if you have a large family - I think my family did very well in this respect. I just think it's harder to be environmentally conscious when you have a lot of kids.
I haven't seen the show, but although I would not choose to live as the Duggars do, all the best to them.
Also, going to school isn't just about learning maths etc. It's about learning about the world. Especially that people come from different backgrounds and cultures, and have different points of view - and learning to respect that. I really think I would have missed out if I had been home-schooled, but that's just me.
Disrespectful comments will not be tolerated.
Kris, no more.
Do you all recall the episode when their family freinds (a family of 17 or so kids) came over? Well the mother of that family had an analogy about her "sheltering" techniques ...
My response to her methodology:
When a species is isolated enough from foreign elements it in essence has no tolerance to that new environment ... that's how you get a weak plant and that's surely how you get a close minded and sheltered young adult passively shunning the world and missing out on the facets of humanity which make us the way we are.
To sum it up ... I feel the kids are victims of abuse.
My anger is justified.
Any family size will come with advantages and disadvantages. My generation (I am 31) is made up of people who have mainly come from families of 2 children. Yes, we had some advantages that previous generations did not. But we have lost a lot in the process as well.
If they choose to have many children, that is their business. They are not asking for handouts, nor are they abusive, contrary to what some have stated here. Teaching children to help out and work together is not abuse. It is something my generation on the whole was never taught to do. Is the overindulgence my generation was "given" considered abuse? It has certainly affected us far more negatively than being taught to do dishes or care for a younger sibling would have affected us. We are a fairly selfish and lazy bunch compared to generations of old.
Perhaps if we would like our life choices respected, we should first extend that respect to others, even if we don't understand them or would not choose to live as they do. What positive thing has hate ever accomplished?
What the world needs now is love.
wow, that sounds familiar.
Well said JJ! What's up with all the haters? Try working on loving yourself and then maybe you can love others. Do you really care if one of their kids turns out gay? Would this bring joy to your life?
Are you kidding about the over population thing? I admit I got a good laugh at it.
People never stop shocking me with their hateful, closed minded zombie walk through life. I can't help but immagion the haters sitting behind their computers and never actually seeing the light of day. Merry Christmas to all: gay, straight, 18 kids, 2 kids, moms, dads, etc.
Kris -
The Duggars are not members of the LDS church, so I'm afraid you're going to have to go back to your previous level of hatred for that particular piece of the religion pie.
Wow, people seriously. The reason these people have so many children is because they love children. As for gay bashing, they are Christians, and most Bible believing Christans are not "gay bashers" they believe homosexuality is a sin. But they love the sinner not the sin. So don't be mad at them for not believing being gay is a in your genes. Also, these people are debt free and they do not live off of the government so it should not bother you. As far as environment things they do at least have a wood burning stove to heat their home. Some people actually value human lives over environment. The environment has sustained us for thousands of years and it will continue to do so.
These people are Christians so they have a big family and they homeschool. Most people that homeschool want to be their child's main influence. You only have your child for 18 years. The world has them for a lot longer so if you want them to be safe and warm at home for a few years then let them. You can argue with the Duggar children when they get older.
You can ask them how traumatizing it was not to have an Ipod and not to have the latest and greatest clothes.
I thought liberals were tolerant of all lifestyles. So, let them live their lives. As you tell us, if you don't like them you are more than welcome to turn the TV off and not watch them.
I agree with the comment above...I am a christian and i belive that gay marriage is a sin!!!...The duggars love all there children...God created man and woman so we could reproduce and live on earth..so when he comes down to earth all the belivers will go to the new earth and live with him forever...you cant have children if there is two girls or two guys duhhh!!!! Also the duggars make there own laundry soap and stuff like that instead of buying it. No one has to be in style because in the long run it will not matter what clothes we wear what house we live in... on judgement day the most important thing will be what we belive in and how we lived are lives... living on a new earth with no pain, no sin, no death, or buring in the fires of hell forever and ever... it's your choice... i think the duggars are doing what they think is best for there children..teaching them to be respectful and reasponsible... so they will be able to make it on there own when they move out and have there own kids... also there children are very well behaved unlike some spoiled children these days...where there parents buy them what ever they want...anyway the duggars are doing a great job...God Bless Everyone!!! ♥♥
Allahu Akbar! God bless this Duggar family and everyone!!!
As long as each person's intentions and actions are true, then what's to criticize or judge?
In the end, the best judge is God alone for He knows what's in the hearts and minds of each and every one of us, whether we know it or not, whether we're accepting of that fact or not.
Peace ^.^
It is so sad to read the post from the angry, pathetic haters. for some people one child is too many and they should not be allowed to breed. Unfortunately there is no way to prevent them. So, the Duggars will just have to have more healthy, well adjusted people to help look after the one ones the haters put here. They Duggar family is self supporting and their children are intelligent and happy. However, miserable people will continue to make it their purpose in life to attack the Duggars and other happy people. That's just the way it is.
It is so sad to see so many people wasting time that they should be spending with their family COMPLAINING about the Duggar Family lifestyle. I'm pro Duggar. I'm the oldest child of four. We were never lonely. I always had someone to play with. We always had special family time. My father of course worked alot and my mother was a full time homemaker. But my father also spent time everyday playing with us. Tickle time was the best. Now I'm grown and the mother of 5. Three I gave birth to and two are step children that live with us full time. It is always exciting in our home. I couldn't imagine life any other way. And yes, we play "tickle bug" with our children as well. Look I'm rambling, in a nut shell... I think they are great for living the life they feel is correct for them. Raising their children to be honest, hardworking, responsible young people instead of future tin stampers. (Tags at the correctional facility) I have recently started homeschooling not because my religious belief leads me to but because parents no longer wish to do their job and be parents and these children are getting way out of control. Growing up and making their own decisions before they are capable. I have choosen to not have my children subjected to the children of parnets who refuse to do their job. Heres and idea to the complainers...get off your computer and teach your children something worth knowing. If you don't know where to start then might I suggest, Respect.
I would rather see parents teaching 18 kids to wait for marriage then the 1,000's of 13-15 year olds that are having sex and babies when they are not emotionally or financially able to care for them and ending up on Welfare, so their kid can grow up and repeat the same cycle. At least the Duggars are not bleeding the already dry Tax payers. Maybe they are happy because they don't worry about the trivial things in life. Teaching morals, self respect and values is something that is sadly lacking in our society. The economy is in the shape it is because no one can wait for things anymore, instant gratification. If you get an urge, do it, no thought of consequences. Getting everything on your gift list only buys you happiness for a short time. So their kids don't have an I-pod. Neither do I and I am happy. I think we could all take a lesson and maybe instill better values in our young people. The world would be a better place!!
That women's uterus but be dragging on the floor.C'mon honey close your legs
Read some comments about homeschooling being bad. I was homeschooled! Not at all for religious reasons. I went to public school until 4th grade and always could go back if I wanted to and neither my brother or I did. Both of us are glad we homeschooled and thing we had a way better education than we would have in public school.
I was falling behind in public school and after homeschooling was above grade level on pretty much everything when I was tested in 6th grade.
We were/are totally normal. My brother is super liberal, I'm a libertarian/environmentalist and my parents think it's great. So don't judge what you don't know please. (this is to the ones that talked about homeschooling, not the author)
Okay. You all need to shush it up. You who keep "bashing" the Duggars need to shut the crap up. Im not going to say the words I want to because the Duggars wouldnt appreciate it. You are just jealous because you cant have 18 kids... Jealous. Or maybe its because you didnt get love like their kids recieve from them! Grow up. She and her husband are happy with all of their kids. And you know what? Overpopulation is not going to happen just by them. At least they know right from wrong and I don't believe they will be talking about you because you don't live right. Maybe its you all on here badmouthing them that need to keep the legs closed. Maybe thats what i smell.
I think my favorite thing about these comments is how totally mean-spirited and vicious the "Stop being mean to the Duggars"comments are. I mean, Wow...Pot? Kettle calling...
I honestly believe that if you're crazy in a way that makes you super happy, a great mom, and you're still getting laid, then dude, keep that crazy flowing!
I love the duggar show on tv. As you said they are happy, and showing something different, and much more valuable in my eyes, than say.. "real chance of love"!
Last I checked this country still allowed freedom of own opinion much as the gays must hate that.
I homeschooled 2 kids and loved it. Last I checked, not agreeing with homosexualiety was not against the law. After all the USA is still a democracy, unless Obama gets his way.
It's funny that you say something shorted out in Mrs. Duggar's brain, because every time I see her on television, it looks like there isn't much going on up there.
But she seems happy...
Overpopulation? People! This is America. They have a God given right to have children, its not your place to tell them that they are wrong. Most people in this country have one or two children and the majority of them are out getting drunk and going to parties and disrespecting their parents. These kids are good kids who are living their lives in a responsible, Godly way. It seems like their parents are doing a pretty good job.
And as far as them being anti gay- they aren't anti gay. They don't believe that practcing a homosexual life is right (of course they don't- the Bible obviuosly says that it is wrong) but they love gay people. They aren't anti the person, they are anti the sin. They love peoples souls, no matter what their sin.
What is it with liberals? They always talk about freedom of speach but when a Christian says that they belive that being gay is wrong, they want them to shut up.
May the Peace and Blessing of G'd be upon this family,
I am an American Musli and this is one of the few shows that I allow my children to watch on T.V. what is wrong with a wholesome family teaching their children traditional values. My children go to a Christian school because the one year that they were in the public school, I saw how their priorities changed. This family is debt-free which is something that we all should be striving for. Similar to my faith, children do not generally date. We in America complain when children are involved in activites that they should not be involved in yet we critize a family for protecting their children from these things. I enjoy watching their show as well as Little People and if it helps them to lead a debt free life then good. The show that I can't stand is Jon and Kate plus Eight! Now that women is a shrew!
I personally would not have 18 children,two is enough, but if they want to and can afford it then that is their bussiness. As I understand it they are not receiveing government help and that is more than some people with one or two kids can say. And the issue of their hair and dress is really none of anyones business either. I see people with pink,blue,purple hair and we just turn our heads and we see people with clothes that reveal all most everything and we just srug our shoulders. So at least these people are living a good christian life. GOD BLESS THE DUGGERS!!
We don't allow people without certain credentials teach children, and that same rule should apply for homeschooling. The education, as seen at the Creation museum, is clearly not balanced and will always restrict their future options.
But I admit---I love the show. They seem like happy, nice people. Crazy. But happy and nice. And while I don't share their beliefs (I'm Catholic and I definitely believe in evolution), I can respect the ability to commit so completely to a lifestyle.
i don't feel like i have a whole lot to add, but someone did make a comment that the duggar kids will not be able to get good jobs because they do not have higher education. However, the oldest is only 21 and currently owns his own used car wholesale business that seems to be doing pretty well. i am 24 and my husband is 25 and we both have higher level degrees. my husband hates his job even though he works very hard for little recognition and i love my job but make very little money. we can't even afford to buy a house in this total buyers market. i think the duggar kids are going to be alright.
also, about them not getting enough individual time with their parents: they are homeschooled for crying out loud! they see their parents more and i saw mine and there were three of us in my family.
i could never do what they do, but i admire that they just went for it and that they have such strong faith. i don't agree with everything they agree with but they have their rights just like everyone else does, as long as they are not hurting other people, let them be.
Until ANY of you hang out with this family... you have NO right to bash them.. i hung out with 12 of them on the mission trip to el salvador..(the most recent episode special).. how dare you say the things you say to them, they are a great family and love the Lord and live it out in their daily lives. Of course they're a bit goofy.. i mean, c'mon, they have 18 kids, how can you not be, but it doesnt mean they're horrific... sorry.. i just really love this family on a personal level,cuz i know them. and by the way.. they read these things sometimes.. can you imagine reading this about your family?
Small families are a new concept in relation to history. Many, many people have had 18 children throughout history. Considering the various social problems that are increasing exponentially it appears that having fewer children makes it harder to produce well adjusted, happy children. Not impossible, just harder.
I can't imagine being married, let alone having kids. I like my space too well. I made a list of people I know who don't have any kids, and I came up with 50 without much effort. Everyone on that list is a Baby Boomer. We're on reproductive strike. Germany, Italy, Spain and Russia are all declining in population so maybe the Duggars aren't creating too much carbon footprinting after all. At the very least, we could send them to Mars when the colony is up and running. Twenty people at one stroke to populate Mars shouldn't be sneezed at.
I can't believe you people! They are a great family, raising very well behaved respectful children. They don't have thousands of dollars in debt, which I'm sure more than 90% of you ignorant asses do...I'm not anti gay by any means, but who the hell am I to tell people that they can't be? Some people are very firm on their beliefs. None of those kids are hurting for anything, they all seem happy, even with a ton of cameras in their face all the time. I pray that the Duggar family NEVER reads this. You people cannot judge them at all. They are not on welfare, so you as a taxpayer are not supporting them. Why worry about it? And as far as you "greenie enviornment" FREAKS go...kiss my ass. One family is not to blame for the way this world is...in fact, you greenie vegetarian freaks are the ones that are KILLING THIS PLANET!!!
Erica, you go girl!
Don't y'all have better things to do with your time than bash someone who is living their beliefs? Seriously? Is there nothing better to blog about? Oh, you guys don't have a large family to waste your life on, I am sorry, I forgot. I bet Michelle doesn't care to even blog or spend time on the computer. She is busy investing her life into her future serving her family. So, may I encourage you to stop acting like social workers and busy bodies after reading my few cents worth.
I have been weeding thru the comments and some of them were pretty rough. WHO ARE WE to judge their hair and body condition and make assumptions? WHO gave us the authority? Gossip and hair splitting has never led to anything good. Just because they are on TV doesn't give us the right to treat them in such a way? WHY do y'all do this? is it envy toward this family with many children who want to be together? Their girls all sleep in one room and the boys share another (in the huge house they all built together) because they want to, it was obvious from their house building footage. Do your kids want to share their rooms with a sibling? Please, get real! I wish mine did! Love shines in the Duggars' eyes. It is genuine and many of you want this kind of love but are too afraid to admit that. I know so many homeschooling mothers who will not change anything if they were given the chance to do it all over again. Who, when weary, would look at their children and wonder if they didn't birth one which one would it be? Coughing child on the show, hair not up to the fashion(hope you are satisfied with a new cut pic one of the commenters posted above), jumpers, etc. Who cares? Why are those issues up for debate? How about looking past those, ladies? Aren't there issues of the heart we are talking about here? Search yours first. Michelle is following hers. She found her calling and is living it the best of her abilities. I doubt it severely that their daughters or sons would rebel or turn homosexual or gay. And please, stop speaking evil on their children too! Take the log out of your eye before you can even start pointing to Michelle's speck.
I wish I never looked further into this family's bashing on the few blogs I've visited in the last couple of days and got worked up enough to comment on this one. None other came close to your blog's comments. Oh, just a reminder in closing, when you get old and your only kid or 2 puts you in a nursing home, please, remember Michelle. She'll be well taken care of... by her children and grandchildren. She is a blessed woman and will reap her reward fully! Go do something productive now that you've read all the comments!LOL!
I'm glad you posted this. I've always wondered. Its difficult when these families are on TV, because you wonder how much of it really is reality.
So your perspective was an interesting one. And I appreciated you writing it.
My husband and I would like a large family, but 18 is NOT our idea of large. I can't imagine 10, let alone 18. Wow. I've watched the show a lot and I have friends that belong to the same organization as they do (ATI) and so for me, this isn't any real surprise. I get very thrown off by some of their ideas; dancing is evil, freaking out if they see a girl wearing a tank top and things like that. Its just a bit over the top to me. I think in teaching our children self control we aren't doing them any good to take away all the "no-no's" when my son goes to touch the CD player, I just say "no, no, don't touch" I don't hide all the no-no's so he's never tempted.
They need to be more balanced that's for sure.
Otherwise I think they have a happy healthy family.
As for the sex... putting your husband and his needs (let alone YOURS!) first is priority. My husband and I have been married 5 years, we have 3 small kids and sex is a regular event for the two of us. At least weekly. Its something we both enjoy because its so romantic and such an emotional connection, for the two of us. Our marriage is strong because of it and our kids benefit from it.
Thanks again for the post!
i agree with erica and seasonmom! no of yall who have talked so badly about the duggars have any right to say anything bad about them! i am a Christian and sometimes i do not act like it, i agree for the most part the same things they believe in. they are debt free unlike most of this country and they are still married unlike over 50% of this country. they are not hurting no one by having 18 kids. all 18 of them are healthy and seem very happy and im pretty sure that they spend time with each of them. i mean they are homeschooled so they are with their kids 24/7 for goodness sake! they probably are one of the nicest families out there and it would be a honor to meet them. they would never be rude or act stuck up to anybody even if they thought they weren't living right, thats more than i could say for any of yall who talk so badly about them. i know when their time is up on earth God will reward them for their kindness and living the right life. so all of yall should be so ashamed for being so negative about them and i hope that they never read some of the stuff yall write on here because i bet they would never be so judgemental of yall ignorant people!!!
Congratulation Lauren, great comment. Hey everybody, live and let live. We have a free country and rights, for the moment anyway. The Duggars take care of their children financially. Soon they will be on their own and get jobs, pay taxes (even tho it may take their whole paycheck in the new economy). They are doing their share in making up for the millions of aborted taxpayers, that is encouraged by some. Someone will have to pay for the massive debt but then they are counting on open borders for illegals who will hopefully get jobs and pay taxes. We are losing our sovereign country to a bunch of socialist/communists as well. Open your eyes Americans. God bless the Duggars and those like them.
We are able to love sacrificially because Christ first loved us. It isn't natural to be that happy and have that amount of love all the time for 18 children. It's supernatural. It's the love of Christ.
i love watching the duggars its different and if i could i would have that many and the anti gay i dont believe in being gay but if one of my kids said they were my love towards them would not change not one bit so why sit and judge them its childish and they wouldnt be gettting ridiculed without the show everyone has a right to therre opion but common comon sense people
Man there are a lot of critics out there. The Duggars may have A LOT of kids, more than many would ever dream of having but...
1. They are not in debt
2. They belive in buying used items
3. They are financially frugal which probably enables them to have a large family
4. They are not on welfare
5. Their kids are learning how to work together and be contributing members to society by volunteering and helping those who are poor
6. They built thier own home and grow their own produce. Isn't that green enough?
7. The husband supports his family
8. They are healthy and happy family
9. And on that "gay" note, they are not "anti gay" but stand behind their religious convictions.
10. How is homeschooling equal to brainwashing? If this is so, then that's what the school system is doing too.
This is a free country! Let the Duggars have how many children they want. They are self supportive, seem happy and they are productive members of society. How they live, dress or wear their hair is no business of ours.
If you want to pick on anyone, how about the people with one or two children who don't pay attention to them. They are living on welfare and their kids are out on the streets and the parents don't care what happens to them!
To the Duggar parents, have as many kids as you want as long as you and your family are happy. God Bless You!
Im a childless women going on 40 some of us are not childless by choice like myself or have only children by choice. If this is a free country we can decide or not decide to have children. We childless whether by choice or not tend to get bashed more than any one. It doesnt make our marriages or life any less valid.If im not to judge them dont judge me.
Sheltering kids from cultue is utterly ridculous. There are plenty of innocent movies kids can watch . Maybe parents just are just too lazy to monitor or something. I seldom watch any of these reality shows because I have better things to do with my time. ANd another thig They dont beleive in TV but have a relaity show? It is strange how proclaimers of religion step away from their beliefs for fame.
oops typo I meant to say or have one child by choice All these lifestyles being promoted and forced on children whether be anti/pro-gay or promoting crazy religous convictions is good enough reason to homeshcool
I try to be more like michelle each day, she is kind and loving. Have you tried the laundry soap recipe? it's wonderful! We also shop at save a lot food store now what a great savings!As far as the gay or anti gay issue,It's like the song say's "you've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything"It's simply the way they believe,they don't stand on a street corner pushing it in your face,but the are also not ashamed to say what they believe in.
i think that if you can afford the kids than by all means have them but if you have to live off welfare then you shouldnt. And i agree that having 18 kids isnt good. the children dont get the love they need with the parents. like spending time with them and talking with them. But when the little baby went into the hospital both jim bob and michelle were there by her side. Im not sure if was just for camera or if they would do that for their other children or not.
I am a lesbian and don't really care what their beliefs are as far as my lifestyle is concerned. People believe whatever they want to believe and that's fine for me. As far as having so many children... I am also not concerned about overpopulation or their religious beliefs etc, as there is more then enough room for 20 more ppl here and they are doing it on their own, and again, ppl can teach whatever belief system they want. What DOES concern me however, is that the "buddy" system that is being used is a great idea... in school. But making older children responsible for younger children isn't cool. If you choose to have dozens of children, then you should also be willing to take care of them.... not assign other children to take care of the brood. I am sure the parents love all the kids... but what's the difference between a 12 year old having a kid of their own to raise and that 12 year old raising the youngest of their mothers children?? I also worry that due to the complete lack of contact with the "outside" world, that if any of these kids are able to live outside of their parents home, would they be able to cope? You cannot simply pray your way thru everything... sometimes you need real life skills and that concerns me for these kids. And what about college education?? I never hear that brought up in any show I've seen. Are any of these kids planning on going to school and becoming something other than parents?
Firstly, I have to say I admire The Duggar family! They are an inspirational family, who seem to be steering their loved ones in the right direction!
You are all so quick to judge, why don't we all take a look at the types of kids we're raising? Most people have less than 3, I myself have 2. But I know how easy it can be sometimes to completely spoil them, and not think twice, "do they even understand the value of what I just bought them?" These kids are being raised with real life skills. How to cook, how to keep a home, and how to unconditionally love. How to manage money, how to make the right choice (according to THEIR faith) and that should not be judged at all! Just because they buy their clothes second hand, or have to cook in mass quantities does not make them neglected! Most kids now a days are driving flipping SUV's and Bently's as opposed to these kids who will never own their own car until they can AFFORD it!! Call that deprieved or "neglect" or whatever you like, but I know I too was raised with the idea that if you don't have it, you don't spend it, and I am in no debt whatsoever and quite a very happy individual!!
You all may think that 18 is too many, but if we are to look back within the last 100+ years, there was no speculation on a mother who birthed more than 8. My grandmother has 8 children, my husbands grandmother had 7. And no one ever pointed or whispered about them in the grocery store!! (Because many other mama's had just as many!! And the economy was crappy then too!) It wasn't that BIG of a deal as people are making it out to be now. The idea back then was that of the Duggars, have more to help more. It was and is a blessing to have children in the first place! It was always on the older siblings in our families to help guide the younger ones, its just how you take care of the ones you love!!!
Why should it all be put on parents to cook and clean and do everything it takes to run a household? THATS why kids end up so lost in the world as adults, end up in debt, addicted to drugs or with no education--because we spoil them too much, and give them little direction! And then they walk into the world grown up not having a damn clue how to even balance a chequebook! And we all talk smack about the fact that its irresponsible, or its "disgusting" But honestly, come on.... Are we all that nieve?
As parents, it is our right to raise our children how we see fit. Just because they homeschool, and make them cook and blah blah blah, does NOT make them "bad parents" I praise them for teaching them the right path in life. And I'm not Christian, I choose my life living without a "title". But I still raise my kids with pretty much the same morals. And just as a side note about the homeschooling, what is the education system really doing thats any better?Kids get shot up and killed in school! The education system is crap and its standards do not fit mine, but I have to work, so my kids aren't homeschooled! If I didn't have to work, I would for sure homeschool my kids!
Annnnd as for the sex! You people are soooo nosey! Why is it any of your damn concern when why and how much sex they have? Sex is something that two individuals share between themselves, and whatever the outcome is, its still your business! Kudos to them still finding so much love for eachother, most of us like one poster had said, can't even stand to be near their significant other.... Congratulations to JimBob & Michelle for keeping love alive. It's one of THE best things that children need to be raised with!! Quit complaining about something that clearly is not ever going to change, and quit being just like EVERY other damn person on this earth, judgmental!! Stop hating on the fact that they are happy with life just the way it is, cuz your hatred isn't going to change them as people, as a family!!
Again, Kudos to you, Duggar Family. You are doing an excellent job raising responsible children!!
Wow, quite a few rude people here. First of all, it is not our right to judge.. that is GOD's job!! Another thing, I know people who were raised is small families who were abused and neglected and I also know people from large families where there was a lot of love and kindness to one another. I think the Duggars are doing pretty good! They are doing better then a lot of people with much smaller families. And another thing... about the homeschooling, look at the statistics on the success rate.. then look at our education system.. .enough said!
I think if you need a buddy system so your younger kids are being looked after then maybe you should keep poping them out .... ?,
And if you need a "I need more attention list , so you can actually get time alone (if thats possible) with your parents . Shouldnt that be ringing alarm bells.
Well obviously not , the mum looks like she's high on acid 24/7 , hate to break it to all you "duggar lovers" but no one , i mean NO ONE is that happy 24/7 , Those poor kids and poor young girls who are looking after their mums last baby ... like seriously shes gotten knocked up 4 months after giving birth , can you honestly tell me that , the poor baby is going to get any one on one time with her mother when the new one is born.
Fair enough to be christian , fair enough to want lots of kids ,
Im thinking of all the poor women out their who are unable to concieve with even one child .
And theres this family out there who uses a womb like a clown car .
Let them have their own views and interact with others with different values ect (not other 7 child crazy christian families) , let them have their own sense of style with what they were and what their hair looks like.
Oh and the whole "wife is submissive to the husband " the children to both ect , That crap women have equal rights non of this submission bull ...
Its just sad to see these kids bringing up their mums kids and having to look after them 24/7 its not right , children should be children not " mums in waiting "
Feel free to email me im happy to debate some more
I am highly offended that you're using Christianity as an excuse for your rampant homophobia. God made gay people just the way they are. Did not Jesus say, "Love thy neighbor as thyself? Do not judge, lest ye be judged.
I'm not sure if I like the buddy system thing. Sounds virtually like any other unwed teen mother/father situation, but with more (than most perhaps) support. Seems a bit reckless and selfish.
Hope the kids turn out alright.
Would it be too much to freaking ask to get a show about a nice atheist family? Just for fucking once? Hell, I'd even take a bunch of agnostics, just for the love of crap stop it with all the Christians. This family might be the best in the whole bloody world, but they're still Christians and that means they're taught from a young age to hate, hate, hate. Give me just one show where I'm not being constantly slammed in the face with bible verse every five seconds and I'll stop hating on the Duggars. Until then they're a bunch of angry fundies lashing out at the world around them by propagating as many of their angry fundie genes as possible, sacrificing the wife in the process. Sickening.
I saw Lisa's comment and agree, but we're not likely to seee an atheist reality show. Meanwhile you might find solace in this discussion group:
Atheism-vs-Christianity @ googlegroups.com
Lisa, wow. I'm sorry you have such a bad view of Christianity. I don't think I've ever heard it described with so much hatred before.
I think that they are just another bunch of typical crazy judgmental think they are supreme Christians, who over overpopulating our planet. They also pass all their parenting on to there children, wtf? And where in the hell did they get their money before their baby selling show? Real estate business hasn't been good in years!What happens when the show gets cancelled? Oh, yeah, that's right Welfare. These people are sickening, and yes, the are certifiably NUTS! Really, ALL those Christians and Catholics are. The people who planned the controlling of the minds of masses and invented that religion sure did mess things up, jeez. Yes, I am saying, those brainwashed psycho's are crazy as sh*** Straight up. And aren't those Christians not supposed to get paid to have sex? Isn't that like a sin to them? Just saying....And i totally agree with Lisa, you're are correct. But they are enstilled this for a purpose, the one that was had when invented "The greatest story ever told." Christians are just to blind and lazy to look into the truth, about their "religion". EVERY religion derives from the ORIGIONAL religion, Sun Worship & Mythology. If they actually READ they would see the truth. But I guess that was the whole point when it was invented. To control the minds of the masses, and they have done a GREAT job.
I can't get the problem with their anti-gay stance. Some atheists and agnostics disagree with the gay lifestyle. I dont not base my opinion of someone on these matters. Its kinda like saying agree with me or else the same thing the Duggars get accused of.
Now that my mouth is no longer gaping open like a landed fish and my eyes are no longer rolling in their sockets like a slot machine...HOW many children????? Warriors for christ?? Please.
If by some grace of genetic mutation/evolution not a single human being was to be born or die from this day forward......
Basic math: 20 children who've learned by example it's ok and proper/their duty to have just as many children (x) 20 children each (x) 20 children each for their children, in ~50 years, this clan of invisible sky man warriors would = 0.00000114285714285714% of the entire world's population alone.
Irresponsible! We're at 7 billion, BILLION, on this one insignificant little planet. This is ~1.5 to 2 persons for every year old the Earth is and ~ 0.5 persons the number of years old the universe is (give or take a few years)
Small % at first glance yes, but vs the colossal number 7,000,000,000 it is significant. Much like the recent earthquake that slowed the Earth's rotation by the tiniest of a nano-second. Small but significant when compared to the size of the object slowed.
All hells and the gods forbid if there are more families pumping out children in this exact same fashion with these same ideals.
Mrs Duggar.....It's called an IUD, please ask your OB/GYN for one, and for every girl child you have born as well, before all the food and land and genetic diversity that evolved us and continues to try and do so as a species is wiped out and gone.
If that is unpalatable to you, then sterilization or birth control pills or hysterectomy or condoms or a vasectomy for your husband or abstinence, SOMETHING! ANYTHING!
While I do not subscribe to any particular monotheistic doctrine, I have read many of the overly numerous versions of "bibles" from all types of religions for my personal edification. I am 100% certain that, using christian doctrines; the verse of go forth/be fruitful/multiply was most certainly not intended nor meant in this manner.
No wonder coffee is $16 a bag now.
I am equally certain that should there be a jesus looking down, and should he see the mentalities and the fundamentals that are in use today amongst all human beings towards ourselves and others he's screaming impotently in rage ...."That's not what I said, and that's not what I meant!" as would any other supposed deities be as well.
Truth is you will never experience the Love they have and what a blessing her children are. You wrote crazy so many times to be it seems like your jealous. but truth Is there family is amazing and one reason you cant understand is because she is a true Christian. God is rewarding this family more then you know. Heaven is her calling card. She is what every mother needs to be like. Maybe not that many kids but truth is to be a mom of 19 and still look as great as she is and have such amazing Christian children is a blessing. There are more people in the Duggar's home going to heaven then all the haters on this blog. They have a relationship with Jesus like you would never understand. All her children are her gift from God, they don't have children on drugs, or out in the world like other kids. but not that you guys care, sad thing gossip is a sin and that is what your post is. Repent no gossiper will get into heaven
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