I'm a youth director at a medium sized Methodist church. I have about 15 kids in my group on an average night, and I am so very lucky to have a family involved with my group that is just incredibly helpful. If there's anything that needs to be done, its done. They are supportive and kind, the kind of people you just really enjoy being around. A few months ago, they started taking Bean over to their house on Sunday nights for me. That way, I could lead youth uninterrupted by baby squeals and they could get some Bean-time. Its really a win-win. Well last night as I was packing up all of Bean's snacks we realized her sippy cup was looking a little empty. I remembered that earlier I'd seen juice in the church fridge, so I just ran in there to pour her some. I sent her on her way, and as the youth kids were sitting down to dinner I realized I'd totally poured Bean a big cup of communion juice. Regardless of whether or not it was pre-blessed, I was so embarrassed. I couldn't believe I hadn't realized there was, in fact, a purpose for that big jug of grape juice... in the church refrigerator.
Not one of my brightest moments for sure, though bean girl is being especially cute today... giggling and singing since she woke up this morning! Maybe she's feeling a bit more spirited today. (har har)
this is blairpettrey from lj.
and on a random note, i just wanted to say how awesome it is that you're a youth director!
the end. :)
When I was young during communion they had this ceremony where they sang hymns and washed each other's feet. I used to explore the church while they did that and once I came across a similar jug of juice in a similar refrigerator. And I drank it, knowing full well what it was.
No one ever found out though.
I get like 3 Hail Marys for that I think...
My daddy is diabetic and I've given him communion juice before when his sugar is too low after the service. I was pretty pleased when I discovered a big jug of Welch's in the church kitchen fridge! I figure God won't care.
Clearly, she is full of the holy spirit. LOL
Once during the Lord's Supper, I broke my little plastic cup of juice and had to leave because it was dripping everywhere and making a huge mess.
Sadly, I wasn't even a child, I think this happened when I was 15 or 16. LOL
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