I confess that I'm fickle.
I confess that I never came.
I confess that I do love a challenge.
I confess that I've been depressed.
I confess that I lied to you.
I confess that I've been selfish.
I confess that my hunger for love took precedence over my hunger for respect.
I confess that I was reckless.
I confess that I put my needs last too often.
I confess that the sex was terrible.
I confess that I've been jealous.
I confess that I was self-destructive.
I confess this was not the life I planned.
I confess that I think you're totally nuts.
I confess that I'm impulsive.
I confess that I used you for my own personal gain.
I confess that you didn't deserve what you got.
I confess that I do, in fact, hate.
I confess that your penis really was tiny.
I confess that I cried even though I said I didn't.
I confess that I never opened up to you.
I confess that I liked you too much.
I confess that I threw your birthday present in the trash because I was mad at you.
I confess that I never knew which eye to look at.
I confess that I don't know what happened that night either.
I confess that I shouldn't have driven.
I confess that I had no idea what I was doing.
I confess that you've always creeped me out.
I confess that I laughed when I shouldn't have.
I confess that I opened up too much.
I confess that I've been scared.
I confess that online dating fed me for about a month.
I confess that I've been shallow.
I confess that after cleaning up after you I never felt the same about you.
I confess that I don't remember.
I confess that I want more.
I confess that I've spent more time working, and not enough time playing.
I confess that I've censored myself because of other people's fear.
I confess that I wasn't a very good friend.
I confess that I went hungry because I was too proud to ask for help.
I confess that the only thing I liked about you was the fancy dinners I didn't have to pay for.
I confess that I hate my body sometimes.
I confess that I miss you.
I confess that I made wrong decisions.
I confess that I still can't poop in a public restroom.
I confess that I'm intimidated by you.
I confess that I long for a vacation.
I confess that I'm still overwhelmed by anger towards you.
I confess that I wanted you to be my everything, regardless of how unfair that was.
I confess that I have addiction issues.
I confess that I still think she's a worthless whore.
I confess that I've been rude.
I confess that we fight too much.
I confess that I didn't like the food you made me.
I confess that I broke it.
I confess that it was awful timing.
I confess that I was at times surprised by your stupidity.
I confess that I knew something was wrong all along.
I confess that I peed in a hotel sink.
I confess that it did make me stronger, but it took much more of a toll than I'll ever admit.
I confess that I pity you.
I confess that I went on 2 dates in one night.
I confess that I never understood you.
I confess that sometimes my insecurities get the best of me.
I confess that I got my heart broken.
I confess that I expect more every day.
I confess that I don't see myself like you do.
I confess that I fart in public.
I confess that my heart gets ahead of my brain.
I confess that I get nostalgic.
I confess that I've never trusted, and that its still hard.
I confess that I worry about me too.
I confess that I'm a work in progress.
My favorite blogger, Ms. Single Mama is doing a contest for New Years. When I watched her video explaining the contest I felt so darn inspired. This goes so far beyond a necklace, or even a blog... this was a tremendously hard year full of so much change. I am ready to make bigger changes in my life, and I've got to start letting go of the things that are holding me back.